
What to Do if It Says Check That the Commands Are Valid and Try Again

4 Answers 4

answered January 8, 2021 at 18:22

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This tin can be run by using Command prompt

  1. Open Control prompt (in windows: Windows+R -> type 'cmd' then enter)

  2. Follow the path specified to your specific binder(upto where your jar file exists)
    for example: D:\projects\folder1\innerFolder>

  3. at present, coffee -jar filename.jar (then enter)

    for example: D:\projects\folder1\innerFolder>java -jar filename.jar

  4. Finally you can come across your output

Note: Install java and also set path in surround variables

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answered Dec 31, 2019 at 11:27

user avatar


  • This isn't very helpful. You are shoving vocabulary and instructions that probably don't make sense to him. Yous are tell him to see his output however he nigh likely don't know what to do from there. Google more errors? No. The solution is to run jarfix.

    January xiv, 2021 at 0:56

go try to open it via cmd by post-obit:

press Win + "R" and type in "cmd" and printing Enter

Then you type in the following:

              coffee -jar C:\Users\MyName\Desktop\The file name for The Game(2).jar                          

if that dont piece of work try to give more than data (the full fault, where do you go the error? Every bit a Messagebox? Or as terminal output?)

answered Oct 28, 2017 at 23:59

user avatar

Information technology'south very unproblematic and easy! go to your downloads folder Click on the part where information technology says downloads and printing backspace. It should show the download icon and an empty bar. In that area, type: cmd so press enter Once command prompt is open, type java - jar (Proper name OF FILE).jar Example: java -jar Optifine-i.16.5.jar and then press enter. You're done!

answered Jul 24, 2021 at 20:01

user avatar


  • Thank you for answering but delight use some formatting in your text

    Jul 25, 2021 at 0:01

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