
How to Draw a Cartoon Female Body

If you want to draw a girl or a woman in a cartoon mode, information technology may be hard to find a tutorial that shows how to draw a female person body without sexualizing it. It's truthful that the cartoon style uses simplification and exaggeration to be more than effective, but it doesn't mean that you can draw the female person form in just ane way—fifty-fifty if it's a pin-up cartoon.

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to draw a drawing woman without same-face or same-torso syndrome. You'll learn everything almost female form cartoon—the proportions of a female torso, various shapes of the trunk, and how to draw a drawing female face up step by step.

To go some inspiration, have a look at the hundreds of graphic symbol designs on Envato Elements. Or for a shortcut, try a character creation kit!

Cartoon character creation kit Cartoon character creation kit Cartoon character creation kit
Drawing character creation kit

one. Female Body Proportions

The principal difference betwixt a female and male body lies in the waist area. Females tend to have wider hips, for two reasons: they're anatomically wider to make giving nativity possible, and estrogen makes fatty accrue in this area. This makes the waist look thinner. Males have smaller hips and wider chest/shoulders, and so the waist isn't as noticeable.

So, to create a difference between a female and male torso in cartoon style, put the focus on the waist in females and on the shoulders in males.

female male proportions comparison female male proportions comparison female male proportions comparison
These are realistic proportions. As you tin come across, the difference is not that hit. In cartoon style, you can exaggerate it.

Body Shape Types

But it isn't the terminate of it. The ratio between the shoulders, waist, and hips differs among females, creating four basic body types:

  1. Hourglass: the shoulders are as wide as the hips, and the waist is much smaller than this. Although this type is often considered the about feminine, inquiry shows that only eight% of women take this type of silhouette.
  2. Rectangular: the shoulders and hips are equal, and the waist is only slightly smaller than them. This is the most popular blazon of silhouette for women.
  3. Inverted triangle: the shoulders are wider than hips. Although this is considered a masculine body shape, in reality information technology'south more common in women than hourglass!
  4. Triangle: the hips are wider than shoulders.
body shape types female body shape types female body shape types female

Only this was simply near the skeletal ratio. The fatty aggregating affects the silhouette as well, and females tend to accumulate it more than easily than males. In women, fatty usually accumulates in the hips, buttocks, and thighs, merely the skeletal proportions affect the final outcome:

  1. Low fat: when there's little fat in the body, the skeletal proportions are more than visible. The hips are angular, considering it's fat that makes them circular. Although the waist is thin, it may not look minor, because the hips without fat may look smaller besides, reducing the contrast.
  2. Medium fat: hither, the skeletal proportions boss the silhouette. The hips are rounded. It is possible to be fit with a medium level of fat, because women burn fat more slowly—especially in the hips expanse!
  3. High fat, diamond shape: when fatty is accumulated in the stomach area, the waist can be lost. However, if the hips stay wider than that, it may announced as if the waist moved college.
  4. High fat, apple tree shape: here, fat has been accumulated in the waist area, making information technology wider than the hips and shoulders. This is a pop type of silhouette for post-menopausal women because estrogen stops directing fatty to the hips. It tin occur in younger women besides, if they didn't take broad hips or a narrow waist before gaining weight.
  5. Loftier fat, pear shape: when the hip bones are wide, gaining weight around the waist may not bear upon the contrast that much. The triangle shape is kept—information technology just gets rounder.
female body shapes female body shapes female body shapes

Besides this, there can exist other factors affecting the proportions:

  1. Some women are naturally congenital smaller: shorter, with lower measurements in shoulders, waist, and hips. They may have a normal level of fat and appear skinny regardless.
  2. It's possible for the torso to be longer. This may make the waistline look shallower and the legs shorter.
  3. The legs are typically as long as the trunk over the hip line. But they tin can be longer!
  4. People with dwarfism will normally take a ordinarily shaped upper body, with only the legs and/or arms being shorter.
body shape variation body shape variation body shape variation

Disclaimer: body types are often described in dissimilar means in unlike sources. I chose to describe them in a fashion that is the well-nigh useful for drawing. It may not be consistent with every list of body shapes you can find on the Internet.

If you want to learn more about the human being body, check out these tutorials:

2. How to Draw Breasts

Breasts are frequently drawn as simple spheres stuck to the breast, just it's not a requirement of a drawing exaggeration. You tin can draw realistic breasts in a drawing fashion! You just have to understand how they work.

Imagine breasts as water balloons attached to the breast with skin. They alter shape because of gravity, and they may hang lower when the skin gets weaker (3).

how to draw breasts how to draw breasts how to draw breasts

When drawing the breasts in any view, information technology's good to depict them as ovals, slightly heavier at the bottom. Keep in heed that they're not separate from the rest of the body—they're attached to the breast muscle, which goes nether the armpit.

realistic breasts drawing realistic breasts drawing realistic breasts drawing

Breasts come in many shapes and sizes, but in that location's ane rule: the bigger the breasts, the lower they hang and the less circular they look. Breasts appear round and close to each other but in ii cases: in some types of implants (3), and in a push-upwardly/sports bra (four).

how to draw breasts sizes how to draw breasts sizes how to draw breasts sizes

three. Drawing Female person Face

Female person and Male Facial Differences

Because the drawing style simplifies facial features, the departure between females and males can go blurry. That'due south why feminine features get exaggerated:

  • The eyes are large, round, and low in the face.
  • The nose is small-scale and not besides visible.
  • The eyebrows are sparse and high.
  • The lips are large.
  • The cervix is thin.
  • The face is oval.

This is a general recipe for a cartoon female. However, information technology's not necessary to stick to all these elements. On the contrary, cartoon every female this style will inevitably lead to the same-face up syndrome—a popular effect where every character looks like the same i, only in different clothes and with different hairstyles.

The easiest fashion to solve information technology is to mix the feminine features with masculine ones—after all, that's how it works in the real earth. Some facial features are called feminine not because they only appear in females, but because that's what'due south traditionally associated with females. Dissimilar cultures may have unlike ideas of feminine facial features, so y'all're non doing annihilation wrong by adding masculine lips to a female character.

feminine masculine facial features feminine masculine facial features feminine masculine facial features
Feel free to add more than than 1 masculine feature to your female faces and see how far you can go without misgendering the character. In fact, y'all can draw a fully masculine face for your female character and mark her femininity with the hairstyle and wearing apparel.

Female Face Shapes

Although oval is considered the nigh feminine face up shape, just like with the torso shape, it's not the most popular. There are many shapes that you can use to avert same-face syndrome:

  1. Long
  2. Round
  3. Oval
  4. Square
  5. Center
  6. Diamond

You lot can also play with the distances betwixt the facial features.

female face shape types female face shape types female face shape types

Indigenous Differences

There's some other reason to ignore the official cartoon rules for a female confront—females of various ethnicities have different facial features, and they shouldn't be ignored for the sake of achieving a "classically beautiful character". There are many types of beauty—use them in your drawing and say goodbye to the same-face syndrome!

female beauty types ethicity female beauty types ethicity female beauty types ethicity

Cartoon Aging

The femininity of cartoon characters is more often than not achieved by using youthful features, specially huge eyes that bring an infant to heed. Just it doesn't mean that all your female characters must exist the same age! You can create age differences amid your characters by adjusting the distance between the chin and the eyes. Yous can also make the eyes and lips smaller, and add some unproblematic wrinkles.

cartoon aging cartoon aging cartoon aging

4. How to Draw a Cartoon Female Face Step by Step

Step one

Let'south describe a cartoon female face now in three unlike styles: semi-realistic, typical, and infant-like. Starting time, describe a circle. Depict a cross inside it.

draw a circle draw a circle draw a circle

Step 2

To draw a grapheme consistently, you must exist aware of its facial proportions. It tin be helpful to utilise whatsoever of the guidelines that are like shooting fish in a barrel to replicate—for example, i-third or one-half of the circumvolve'southward lower half.

draw face proportions draw face proportions draw face proportions

Footstep 3

Describe the eye shape. For a realistic confront, keep the eyes high and relatively narrow. Identify them lower and make them rounder for cuter faces. There are no strict rules here, and y'all can experiment to create your own style.

draw eye shape draw eye shape draw eye shape

Pace 4

Add the curve of the eyebrows.

draw curve eyebrow draw curve eyebrow draw curve eyebrow

Step v

Add the lower part of the face. The proportions volition affect the final await of the face: realistic faces accept more infinite between the optics and the chin than "babified" ones. Every bit always, make certain yous know which guidelines you are using to keep your character consistent.

draw lower face draw lower face draw lower face

Step 6

Add the nose every bit a uncomplicated circle.

draw nose draw nose draw nose

Footstep 7

Add together the lips in the course of a simple line. Regardless of the style, keep the lips one-third of the fashion from the olfactory organ to the bottom of the chin.

draw lips draw lips draw lips

Footstep 8

Add the ears.

draw ears draw ears draw ears

Step 9

Add the cervix.

draw neck draw neck draw neck

Step 10

Draw the iris inside the eye. The cuter the character, the bigger the iris should be.

draw iris draw iris draw iris

Footstep xi

Draw the pupil. The same dominion applies here.

draw pupil draw pupil draw pupil

You tin can acquire more than about drawing drawing eyes (and other facial features) in this tutorial:

Pace 12

Add the shape of the upper eyelid.

draw upper eyelid draw upper eyelid draw upper eyelid

Step thirteen

Add the shine in the center. Information technology should be asymmetrical.

draw eye shine draw eye shine draw eye shine

Stride 14

Draw the olfactory organ.

draw cartoon nose draw cartoon nose draw cartoon nose

Step xv

Draw the lips. Commencement the line between them...

draw cartoon mouth draw cartoon mouth draw cartoon mouth

... then the upper 1 as a simple shadow, and the lower one as a curve.

draw cartoon lips draw cartoon lips draw cartoon lips

Step sixteen

Add the eyebrows.

draw cartoon eyebrows draw cartoon eyebrows draw cartoon eyebrows

Pace 17

Depict the hair. Go along the lines simple and flowing.

draw cartoon hair draw cartoon hair draw cartoon hair

Step eighteen

Terminate the drawing past erasing the guidelines and drawing the concluding lines over them.

draw cartoon face step by step draw cartoon face step by step draw cartoon face step by step

5. How to Depict a Female Body in Cartoon Style Stride by Pace

Step ane

Let'due south draw the whole female torso now. Think of a pose or detect a reference that you like. Using references is not cheating, as long as you simply expect at them and don't trace them. I used these:

  • Woman sitting in a pin-up pose
  • Woman in a sassy/proud pose
  • Happy adult female showing a peace sign

Y'all tin find more references on DeviantArt.

Sketch your pose in a unproblematic style. Try to capture the master curve of the trunk and legs.

sketch body pose sketch body pose sketch body pose

Step ii

Add the chest and hips. Keep in heed that these don't have to be the anatomical, skeletal chest and hips, but rather the whole area of the body simplified to an oval. For example, you don't take to draw an hourglass silhouette to alter it to an apple later—depict it as an apple already!

sketch body shape sketch body shape sketch body shape

Pace 3

Add the arms. Keep them simple, as if yous were shaping pieces of wire.

sketch arms sketch arms sketch arms

Step 4

Add a simple head.

sketch head sketch head sketch head

Footstep 5

Add the joints. Refer to the diagram at the beginning of this tutorial. If you discover that something is wrong with the proportions, it'due south a good time to fix them.

sketch body joints sketch body joints sketch body joints

Step six

Define the position of the face. Draw the eye lines.

sketch head rotation sketch head rotation sketch head rotation

Step seven

Add bones features to the face.

sketch cartoon face sketch cartoon face sketch cartoon face

Stride 8

Add together the muscle masses and the breasts.

sketch muscles sketch muscles sketch muscles

Footstep 9

Add the fingers.

sketch hands sketch hands sketch hands

Step 10

Outline the whole body, equally if the character were naked.

draw cartoon body draw cartoon body draw cartoon body

Pace 11

Depict the last lines. Don't forget to use a reference for the wearing apparel! If necessary, draw the guidelines for the clothes first—it's amend to spend some actress time planning these than to ruin a nice cartoon with a rash conclusion.

draw female body draw female body draw female body

Step 12

Finally, clean the guidelines. You can besides add shadows with a grayness marker.

how to draw cartoon woman how to draw cartoon woman how to draw cartoon woman

Expert Job!

Now you lot know how to describe a woman using the cartoon style. If you desire to learn more than about drawing cartoons, bank check out our other tutorials:

how to draw female body how to draw female body how to draw female body


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